Monday, December 1, 2014

Tuesday 12/2/14 QOTD (15 word min)

"You can have everything in life you want if you'll just help enough other people get what they want."-Zig Ziglar


  1. To get what you want you have to help others first. Or it is just selfish.

  2. help others before you do anything for yourself

  3. I think this means that in life you're willing to help others get what they want I think that they'll be grateful for your help and return the favor.

  4. I think that this means that you need to help others in order to help yourself to achieve your own goals.

  5. When you help someone you might figure something out in your own life. It's happened many times with me. You just don't realize it until you say it to someone else. Helping others will also make you feel so much better.

  6. Put others before your self and think about yourself after the fact.

  7. Don't be selfish. Help others but don't only think about your self. You should want to help others too.

  8. If you have more then enough then why are you hoarding it. Share the wealth and help someone else's day bright.

  9. help others before you do anything for yourself and then when you help them first and they will help you

  10. This is makes sense. If your nice to someone and help them get something, they would be more than happy to help you! At least I hope.

  11. Think about others before yorself and then do want you need.
