Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tuesday 10/14/14 Your roles in your SAE Project

2. Briefly explain how your roles, responsibilities, and/or management decisions related to this award area changed.

Take time to write IN DETAIL more about your SAE.  Use the following questions to complete your responses.  Your responses should be AT LEAST 150 WORDS!

Some areas to cover include:
(1) How have you increased your knowledge and skills related to this area?
(2) How have your roles and responsibilities have increased over the life of your related SAE(s)?


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  2. I know a lot more about detasseling since started. I now find it much easier to identify tassels. My roles did not change much from my first year to my second year, except that this year I checked for groups every once in a while. If I detassel next year too I will probably be checking most of the time. I also worked more days. When you are experienced you finish later than the first year people.

  3. I have really grown since I've started babysitting. I am now trusted so much more and responsible enough to watch kids for a lot more time. I've had to learn how to cook different kinds of food, including baby food, for certain diets of children. I do babysit way into the night now and even in the morning. A lot more people trust me now that I have babysat for a while and that means a lot because now I have the opportunity to tell others that I have a lot of experience with children. Also with the extra work I've been getting paid more and more that I'm able to work for longer. During my time of babysitting I have now babysat kids for newborn to the age of 12. I'm starting to learn how to help with challenged children and also the ones that act up a lot more. I feel like I've really enhanced my leadership skills and now I feel more respected by the younger kids.

  4. Many different things have helped me grow as a person in agriculture around my home and many things in AG class helped me in growing my horizon in things and chores around the house. For example, I never took the time to look around my yard to find slope until after land judging. I found out that I need to move the sprinklers away from this one area because it became a gully. A responsibility I have is keeping up with my cats. This is part of my job and helps me understand you need to clean or check things more than once a year. One other thing is by working at home I learn from my mom how to manage and run a home. From the bills, cleaning, and maintenance. Finally an other reason working at home is important and a good learning experience in AG is that when I work outside I learn of the crops I can grow and ect. Plus by working at home I can learn from my parents who show me how to cook, grow plants, and help me want to be part of AG everyday.

  5. I have learned more about ag by learning about soil and land judging. I have also learned about the wildlife and crops that we grow in my past years. I have also learned about the aet and how to put in different jobs that I've done throughout the past couple of years. These jobs for me included mowing, working on the farm, participating in land judging, attending chapter meetings, and entering crops to show at the county and state fair.

  6. Working at the Danish Oak has taught me how to measure cabinets and different types of wood that works best for different houses. I have also learned how to do handy work around the shop because this summer we added the warehouse so we did some renovations. I have also learned to appreciate the trees and how we use them to make the things we have in our home and school. I have also learned how different things compliments the house or not.

  7. I know a lot more about detasseling since started. I now find it much easier to identify tassels. My roles did not change much from my first year to my second year, except that this year I checked for groups every once in a while. If I detassel next year too I will probably be checking most of the time. I also worked more days. When you are experienced you finish later than the first year people In this cace you will make more money and thats even better.

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  9. I know a lot more about working at Joseph Electric. I now find how easy it is to work at joseph now that i have been there for 3 years now and this year i can actually do harder jobs now that i am older and can do them by my self because i can understand what he asks me to do.

  10. Yes, this year they recruited me to be a checker for younger detasselers and also to double pick the rows. Checking was easy but I always was checking for the younger people that I barely got anytime for me to just pick. So then I started to hate checking but I stuck with it and did my job. My first year I was a newbie. I was partnered with someone and then we would go down one row and come down on the next row. They didn't expect us to be able to double in just one days work. So it took about two weeks or so but it was only one time and you ALWAYS walked. There was only one time when we got carriers and it was great but after that we didn't get carriers anymore. My second year, we got carriers a lot. We would walk often but most of the time it was carriers. My third year, we walked and got carriers about an even amount of times. And we had several late fields and new fields during the summer so it was a new experience for these fields that we had never done before.

  11. know a lot more about detasseling since started. I now find it much easier to identify tassels. My roles did not change much from my first year to my second year, except that this year I checked for groups every once in a while. If I detassel next year too I will probably be checking most of the time. I also worked more days. When you are experienced you finish later than the first year people

  12. This year they had me be a checker for the younger workers. This made me feel very reliable and proud to be who i was. Also all the hard work of my first couple of years paid off because i only had to pick the ones the begainers missed. My detassling leader always told the workers to have good work ethic like me so it kind of made me want to keep doing better and better. A job half done is a job not done at all to me.

  13. ~Haley Wall~
    I know a lot more about farming. Before I started working legit on the farm I didn't know how to drive or how to irrigate. My family has helped me in through the years about what the difference is between the corns. With the mowing, I have learned well, house to mow.

  14. Detasseling has helped me understand how corn is genetically altered and why you have to take of the tassel. My father works of a farm research company that tests new types of chemicals and GMOs. He would talk about what he does. Detasseling has taught me responsibility. It has done this by forcing me to walk up at on time every day so that I can be at the bus on time for work. I have missed the bus some days and missed work for that day. I didn’t have to opportunity to make any money for that day and was forced to sit at home and not accomplish much for that day. It has also has taught me that you must take care of your responsibilities, such as making your lunch and putting your shoes out to dry, must be dealt with immediately because if you don’t your next day will not be pleasant.
