Sunday, September 14, 2014

Wednesday 9/17/14 QOTD (15 words)

"Everyone wants to be successful. But very few are willing to make the effort and the sacrifices to become successful." - Alan Stein


  1. I think that this quote is very true. If you want to be successful you can't cheat your way there. You have to work hard and push yourself to reach whatever you set your mind to. Go and use your talent and make it even better. You will never get better if you don't start practicing the things you need to do right.

  2. This goes with what I said in Tuesdays post. To grow you have to try. To gain, you have to give. To get the best, be your best, no matter what.

  3. To be successful you have to have some down falls to get there. You must work hard and you maybe wont get everything you wish for at that moment but in the end it will be worth it.

  4. A lot of people want to be the best, but you have to do the work to be successful. Without the work you never earned it, therefore you aren't successful. You need to try your hardest to actually succeed. Doing something halfway isn't being successful, it's being lazy. Do your own work, don't let others do it. Take credit for what you've done, good or bad. It'll work out in the end.

  5. everyone has to be successful in life or they wont succeed at all

  6. People want to be the best and be the star but you have to work for it it is not just handed to you. You have to push yourself to become successful.

  7. This is ture. You cant have success just handed to you. A lot of people want to be sccessful at someting in life but they can't be if they don't work for it.

  8. That is true everybody wants to be successful and happy but not everybody is willing to put in the work to be successful

  9. I think this means that very few are willing to put the work in to become successful. Therefore give it your all when you want to become successful.

  10. The bigger the risk the greater the reward. If you want something go for it.

  11. That if you want to be better you need to give more if you want to be better.
