Monday, January 19, 2015

Friday 1/23/15 Farm Equipment (50 word min)

If you could be any piece of farm equipment, what would you be and why?  Provide a detailed response why you chose what you did.  There is no right or wrong answer, just pick a piece of farm equipment and defend your answer.  


  1. I would be a tractor because I don't know what else to be. I don't know what kind of tractor I would be, but I would definitely be the coolest dang tractor ever, just saying. I'd be a purple one because I like the color purple. So, yeah...that's about it.

  2. I would be a combine because it is big and it can take anything down that comes in its way. I would be green not just because it's John Deere but because I like green more than red as a color. I would be the best combine ever.

  3. I would also be a tractor. Because im not going fast i'm just cruising relaxing. Also people would just be sitting there letting me do all the work well it depends on what kind of tractor i am.

  4. I would be a tractor because you can't go very fast and tractors also do most of the farm work. I would be a green tractor because red does not look good on a tractor. You would be doing most of the farm work hauling heavy equipment to get the job done.

  5. I would be a tractor because I don't know what else to be. I don't know what kind of tractor I would be, but I would definitely be the coolest dang tractor ever, just saying. I'd be a purple one because I like the color purple. So, yeah...that's about it.

  6. I would be a shovel. It seems not important but really what would we do if we didnt have shovels? Shovels can hold up to do alot of important things from digging someones new bed once they have passed to picking up a pile of poop. But a shovel has alot of potential and can do many things but is nothing more then a piece of metal and a wooden stick. A tractor is built with thousands of different things has to have gas to work and isnt always reliable. Shovels can be so many different things.

  7. I think that I would like to be a tractor because I like t ride in the tractor with my grandpa. It is very fun to ride in the tractor with him because you get to be in a tractor and what could be more fun that.? Tractors are also big and cool

  8. I would be an ATV because I like speed. I like ATVs because when you're on one, you feel the rush of the speed and the wind going through your hair. Also why wouldn't you want to be an ATV? They're so cool! But the only reason I would be an ATV is because I like speed.

  9. I would be a 4-wheeler because they are great. You can go so may places with out having to walk. Plus it is fun to ride on and tear up fields. I have also have rid behind one on a sled and it was fun and I recommend it to do for fun.

  10. I would be a barn. I know its not exactly a piece of equipment but It is something that is a tool. I would be a barn because I would keep all the other tools in a proper place and also keep the animals out of whatever is the harsh weather.

  11. I would also be a tractor. Because im not going fast i'm just cruising relaxing. Also people would just be sitting there letting me do all the work well it depends on what kind of tractor i am.

  12. I would be a tractor. I chose this one because I think it would be pretty fun I guess. I really don't know how to answer this question becuase I have never really thought about it before, but tractors are pretty cool.
