The Case of the Overnight Guest
It has come to your attention that some female students in an on campus house have invited a homeless woman to live with them . While there are four bedrooms in the apartment, only three of them were occupied prior to their guest, Cindy, moving in about a week ago .
When confronted about it, the students tell you that they asked their roommates and everyone said it was a great opportunity to serve someone in need . They tell you that they are aware of the overnight guest policy and are more than willing to pay the $15 charge per night for housing her .
They have become good friends with Cindy and feel she is very close to finding a job and turning her life around . She just needed a little bit of help to get over the last few hurdles . They have been in contact with various homeless shelters in the area and have been able to find some long-term support for Cindy once the school year ends in a month . The students want Cindy to live with them through the end of the semester and don't see what the big deal is .
> What are some potential problems with this idea? > What would you do?
This is a hard one because if you let her stay other people might be bringing outside people into their apartments and that could cause huge problems. What i would do is say you have 2 weeks then she needs to find somewhere else to live. That way they have enough time to find her a place without just kicking her to the curb.
ReplyDeleteSo problems may be the electric bill and water. Also other homeless citizens might become aware of this and what in on it also. I personally would ask if they wanted to pay the extra fees and the possibility of having to deal with other homeless people. That the school will not get involved unless needed. If everything is in order I would allow it this once. See how I said ONCE. I would then make a rule forbidding it and if found kicked out.
ReplyDeleteSome Problems would be the fact that what would happen if she can't get a job. Also there are also the bills. Rent, Water, Electricity, and Groceries. Those would be the only problems I see. As to what I would do, I wouldn't mind Cindy staying with the girls. They were helping someone in need and that was a nice thing to do. I think these girls have made a well-made decision about what to do with Cindy. wether to let her stay or to not help her.
ReplyDeleteI think that there are pros and cons to this because you could be doing something very nice for this person but you don't know anything about them and you don't know what they are like so they could do something out of the ordinary to get you in trouble. If I knew the person better I would let them in but not if I didn't know anything about them.
ReplyDeleteWell if you let one person in then you will have to let more in. I wouldn't immediately kick her out, but I would make sure that there was a place set up for her. I think they should've brought it up with me before they even invited her onto the campus. I would make sure that they knew that what they did wouldn't be allowed anymore. There are other ways to help the homeless without inviting them into their home and the campus because like Julia said, there are other extra fees.
ReplyDeleteWell if they are willing to pay for her cost well then it is not really a problem. But if she does not find a job then that could lead to trouble. What if she never gets a job? I would probably let her stay a little longer but eventually I would probably have to tell her that she can't stay anymore.
ReplyDeleteIf they pay for her cost then its not a big deal but if she doesn't find a job then it could lead to trouble. I would tell her that she couldn't stay there anymore.
ReplyDeleteThere are some problems with this one being that the campus apartments are meant for the students. It is nice that they are helping this person but they need to help them get a place to live faster. If they could get the transferred to a shelter that they are working with for more permanent placement in case they don’t get the job lined up.
ReplyDeleteThis is very nice to see people not being selfish. It is nice to have on another helping out. I would help her find somewhere for her to live instead of staying with them. It can be challenging to do things for others and not for yourself.
ReplyDeleteThe bad could be you just let come someone come into your home cause you don't really know the and things could be really bad she could steal stuff and so forth cause the don't know the person
ReplyDeleteThere are some problems with this one being that the campus apartments are meant for the students. It is nice that they are helping this person but they need to help them get a place to live faster. If they could get the transferred to a shelter that they are working with for more permanent placement in case they don’t get the job lined up.
ReplyDeleteThis is very nice to see people not being selfish. It is nice to have on another helping out. I would help her find somewhere for her to live instead of staying with them. It can be challenging to do things for others and not for yourself.