Monday, November 3, 2014

Tuesday 11/4/14 Election Day! Your thoughts on electing candidates

This is election day, many of you are not old enough to vote but some of you are.  Share your thoughts today on some of the morals and values that you feel are the most valuable that you would look for in a candidate to vote for.  Maybe it is their stance on abortion or immigration?  Share AT LEAST THREE things that you would look for in voting for a candidate to represent you on any level (local, state, or national).  Make sure to provide a sentence with each of your three to explain why you feel that way.  

FICTITIOUS EXAMPLE: Candidates that like the color blue:  I will only vote for candidates that like the color blue because that is the color of the sky and I like the sky.   


  1. Candidates that are against abortion. I feel that these children should be put up for adoption of kept by the biological parents. They knew what they were doing and it was their fault.

    A Candidate that tries to be in favor with everybody. What I mean by this is not just in favor of the rich or poor.

    Another Candidate is someone that goes to schools and talks to children or just evens to talk about what he thinks and what we should do.

  2. I would vote for a candidate that has the best interest of the people, not just the country, town, etc. as a whole. I think this is a major thing because people feel like they aren't as important and their opinion doesn't matter. Another characteristic of a candidate that I would vote for would be confidence. I feel to be the leader of a city, country, state, etc. that you need to hole your head high and to a high standard. If you are unsure of what you are doing then you might need to rethink it. I also feel that they should be highly involved with what's going on. I know that they can't make everything, but I feel they should visit schools, events, etc. so that the people know that they are trying to be involved with what's going on. This way they can see the problems.

  3. I would vote for a candidate that cares about his people and about the safety of the nation. I would also vote for the person that came from our stat that would be cool I think. I would also vote for him if he didn't allow drugs like marijuana.

  4. I would look for a humble person with a peaceful mind set. A person that isn't extremely racist, or sexist. Someone who has a belief and doesn't judge out loud about others religion saying its wrong. I would look for someone that always has a back up plan for everything. Lastly I am looking for someone of class and smarts. Someone who can be slightly smart or know something in everything.

  5. I would vote for a candidate that wants to do what the people want. If a lot of people want the same thing, and they dont get it, they will be angry.

    I would vote for a candidate that is for less government control. People are capable of making their own decisions.

    I would vote for a candidate that keeps their promises. If they don't people won't be able to trust them.

  6. I would vote for someone who was kind and fair to everyone and who doesn't give their opinions but gives different ideas on a topic to help us to choose what we want.

    I would vote for someone who is against abortion. It is not the kids fault if you get yourself pregnant and I just don't know why you would want to have an abortion anyway.

    I would vote for someone who is there for his/her people and won't just do things that are best for them. I would vote for them if they make decisions that are good for everyone not just the wealthiest or the 'fairest of them all'.
