Monday, January 19, 2015

Tuesday, January 20th Morning Ag Clips (50 word min)


  1. Easing World Hunger
    I think that this is awesome that people are speaking out trying to end world hunger and that they care about those who don't have as much as others around the world. This scientist who spoke about ending world hunger is making a difference in these peoples' lives.

  2. Easing World Hunger
    This is great that people are standing up for these people. One person can really do a big impact in the world if it is the right person. And from this article I think it is these scientist. They are really helping the people and getting people like the Americans to get excited and want to help them out as much as they can.

  3. Should farmers' student loans be forgiven
    I don't know what side I'm on...All people have these problems, doctors, lawyers, teachers, etc. They said farmers are important, but so are all of the others that I just mentioned. I feel that if they are going to try to lower the student loans for farmers they should think about the other jobs and just lower tuition and loans in general. People other than farmers have hard times struggling with paying for college, too. We need to look at the big picture, first.

  4. help with farm bill decisions.
    Nebraska farmers looking for assistance in evaluating how their operations might fair under different options offered through the 2014 Farm Bill can get direct one-on-one assistance thanks to a new service offered by the Nebraska Farm Bureau Federation.The service gives farmers and landowners an opportunity to evaluate farm bill program options for their operations by having a University of Nebraska-trained individual assist them in working through online farm bill tools, said Steve Nelson, Nebraska Farm Bureau president.

  5. Easing World Hunger
    I think that this is awesome that people are speaking out trying to end world hunger and that they care about those who don't have as much as others around the world. This scientist who spoke about ending world hunger is making a difference in these peoples' lives.

  6. Future Farms may be Indoors- I think this is cool but it may upset those who have farms because then what do they do when the farms go indoors. Also I think that this will improve how much is food is made because normal farms couldn't produce 10,000 heads of lettuce per day.

  7. Future Farms may be indoors
    I think that this is really neat. It requires less work for the farmers so that is pretty cool. You save tons of power, water, and food, while producing more crops. A farming model that can produce 100 times what a farm produces in the same amount of space may revolutionize that model. The farm of the future is moving indoors.

  8. The Future of Farming may be Indoors
    In Japan they have built an indoor farm that produces 100 times the amount of traditions farms in the same amount of space. It uses 99% less water and 40% less power than outdoor farms use. There is also 80% less food waste.

  9. I don't know what side I'm on...All people have these problems, doctors, lawyers, teachers, etc. They said farmers are important, but so are all of the others that I just mentioned. I feel that if they are going to try to lower the student loans for farmers they should think about the other jobs and just lower tuition and loans in general. People other than farmers have hard times struggling with paying for college, too. We need to look at the big picture, first.

  10. Nutrition part of handling cold temps
    I completely agree when it comes to cold temperatures and cold temperatures with winds. It pierces coats more and I think makes a frostbite 10 times worst. I feel like this winter is quite odd. It was cold for a while before it even snowed and currently its 60 degrees in the end of January!

  11. Help with Farm Bill Decisions.
    Nebraska farmers looking for assistance in evaluating how their operations might fair under different options offered through the 2014 Farm Bill can get direct one-on-one assistance thanks to a new service offered by the Nebraska Farm Bureau Federation.The service gives farmers and landowners an opportunity to evaluate farm bill program options for their operations by having a University of Nebraska-trained individual assist them in working through online farm bill tools, said Steve Nelson, Nebraska farm bureau president.
