Monday, February 2, 2015

Wednesday 2/4/15 QOTD (15 word min)

"Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up." – Dean Karnazes (Ultra Marathon Runner)


  1. Everything life throws at you, you have to face it a different way than the last sometimes. So do the best thing that will help you face it and don't give up.

  2. When I'm running I should try to think about this quote. I remember during the summer I came back. I didn't go the entire summer going to conditioning. So I was out of shape. I remember running and Miss.Torson telling me to sit out on the very last run. It was awful. I don't want that to happen again ever.

  3. Do whatever you can to your best ability. If you don't go your hardest and leave something on the floor you will never know what it could have been.

  4. I think this means that you should give your all when the going gets rough, to push through those obstacles and to do your best.

  5. Giving up is never the easy way out, it's just harder. You have to take longer and work harder to get back to where you were. If you give up that's okay, you just have to work harder and find out what made you give up in the first place. Sometimes we need a break, but giving up isn't forever. Once you find the cause you might never give up again.

  6. I think that this means that if you are trying to escape a task and achieve something you try your best even if there feels like there is no chance in completing it.

  7. I think this means that no matter what happens keep fighting through it. You should not give up no matter what.

  8. This means that you should never give up and you should always do what you can.

  9. that you shouldn't give up no matter what you should fight until the end

  10. You may be at the verge of nothing but failure but dont ever give up or youll go no where
