Monday, May 4, 2015

5/4/15 Monday Morning Ag Clips (50 word min)

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  1. Farm family continues tradition
    The Kuehn family has been farming for many many years. I think it is cool how people can just carry on that tradition and keep farming through all generations. These people are from Heartwell, Nebraksa. They are still farming and plan to keep farming for many more years.

  2. Police officer pulls over toddler
    There was this wreck on her street and she thought it would be fun after he filed the report to ask the police officer if he wouldn't mind if he pulled her son over and she could take pictures. This is so cute and funny. The police officer said that as he got out of is car he felt like the little boy was looking at him like he was a transformer.

  3. Farm Family Continues Tradition.
    The Kuehn family adopted two kids from India because they coudn't have any of there "own." They Have been farming for many years and they wanted to keep that tradition alive so they wanted kids. They plan to be farming for many many more years.

  4. Festival connects students to the farm
    There have been a festival held in Arlington Nebraska for the past 16 years. The goal is to teach young students about agriculture. I think that this is really cool because it's more interactive than giving a kid a book, asking them to read a few pages, and then having them right a paper on it. Kids retain more if it's interactive.

  5. You’re worrying about the wrong bees
    Honey bees will be fine. They are a globally distributed, domesticated animal. Apis mellifera will not go extinct, and the species is not remotely threatened with extinction. The National Survey of beekeepers released last week reported the lowest winter hive losses of the last 8 years. he bees you should be concerned about are the 3,999 other bee species living in North America, most of which are solitary, stingless, ground-nesting bees you’ve never heard of.

  6. Police pulls over toddler - Ashley Crawford sat and grabbed her camera when officer Bill Mayo pulled over her 2 yr old son Jaxson Arbuckle. This is just to cute. The officer said Jaxson reminded him of his son running up and down the street. The officer said that Jaxson kept staring and smiling at him like he was some kind of transformer.

  7. Police officer pulls over toddler
    This is so adorable! I absolutely love how the officer describe himself as a transformer also. When I hear this story it makes me want to do something funny like that with my kid. That way when he is older he can be all mighty and say "Yup, I was a rebel by 2." Just because is funny. Like me I can say the first song I learned was Cocaine by Eric Clapton.

  8. Festival connects students to the farm
    Elementary students from Dodge, Douglas, Burt and Washington counties participated in the annual Ag Literacy Festival this week.he festival is organized by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension and is held at the Washington County Fairgrounds in Arlington. In the 16 years since the festival began, more than 9,000 students have learned about the role of agriculture in Nebraska.

  9. Farm family continues tradition
    Kuehn says his great grandpa, grandpa and father and himself were raised on the farm in Heartwell nebraska. Kuehn and his wife Tessa had children in india then brought them back to Nebraska to raise them on their farm. Their daughter, Aneesha, now attends college in Kansas. Their son, Joseph, is a junior at Minden High School.

  10. You're worrying about the wrong bees.
    The bees you should be concerned about are the 3,999 other bee species living in North America, most of which are solitary, stingless, ground-nesting bees you’ve never heard of. Incredible losses in native bee diversity are already happening. 50 percent of Midwestern native bee species disappeared from their historic ranges in the last 100 years. Four of our bumblebee species declined 96 percent in the last 20 years, and three species are believed to already be extinct. A little part of me despairs when I read in a scientific paper: “This species probably should be listed under the Endangered Species Act if it still exists.”

  11. Farm family continues tradition
    The Kuehn family has been farming for many many years. I think it is cool how people can just carry on that tradition for sooooo long and keep farming through all generations and hardships These people are from Heartwell, Nebraksa. They are still farming and plan to keep farming for many more years.
