Tuesday, April 14, 2015

4/14/15 Morning Ag Clips (50 word min)

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  1. 2015 pork industry scholarships
    The Pork Checkoff has awarded 21 scholarships to college students around the United States as part of its strategy to develop the pork industry’s human capital for the future. Recipients were selected based on scholastic merit, leadership activities, involvement in the pork production industry and future plans for a career in pork production.

  2. Irish farmers’ sheepdog is a flying robot
    Drones may not be ideal, quite yet, for delivering Amazon packages to your door, but for monitoring large swaths of land with minimal resources, they could be invaluable. But most of the drones we cover are used to check resources like water and fertilizer, and to monitor growth rates of crops. I still think this is pretty cool.

  3. Husband Cooks Wife Dinner for a Year
    I think it's really sweet that he did made his wife 12 months of food. It more than likely took up a lot of his time. It's awesome that he did this because while soldiers are away it is hard for families and wives to get used to being without their loved one. It's awesome that he took the time to make it. I just wonder where he stored it all.

  4. 2015 pork industry scholarships
    I think that this is a good idea because then people can be proud of this huge accomplishment and it shows how hard they have worked to get these scholarships from all the work they have put into getting this incredible honor.

  5. Irish farmers sheepdog is flying a robot.
    Drones are covered quit a bit because small, airborne robots with myriad sensor technology is very useful for farming. These are used to check fertilizer, cattle, land. Two farming brothers in Ireland, Paul and Declan Brennan, bought a Yuneec Q500 drone, a small four-rotor remote-controlled copter equipped with a high-def camera. They are using it to herd their cattle.

  6. Local foods: Red hot, but undefined
    The Agriculture Department really wants American consumers to buy local foods. griculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has made promoting locally grown and produced foods one of his top priorities since taking the helm of the department in 2009, dubbing it a pillar of rebuilding the rural economy. He’s mobilized staff, spent millions and rolled out new programs, all in the name of pushing local.

  7. Traditional farm breeds on the decline - The main problem behind this article is that farmer's are focusing more on developing larger eggs, leaner meat, and more milk. This causes problems with the animal's life expectancy and a whole lot of other problems combated with antibiotics and other things.

  8. Local foods: Red Hot, but Undefined.
    I love farmers markets and i think that it is cool that they are growing. The growth of farmers markets help out the rural economy. People want to buy from local growers so why not have larger farmers markets. The new programs will help out the economy.

  9. Neb.’s resources position it well for growth
    I had no idea that we majorly shipped out energy. I did know about ethanol of course but had no idea that we produce 2 billion gallons of it for the unites states and other countries also. As a state I think it is great we are putting a print in our country but this as an example. I hope it doesn't effect air pollution though.
