Monday, April 20, 2015

4/21/15 Tuesday QOTD (15 word min)

  "Good intentions are at the least, the seed of good actions, and everyone ought to sow them, and leave it to the soil and the seasons whether he or any other gather their fruit." - William Temple


  1. I think what this means is you have to start to be kind and have good intentions but you cant just put it in the ground and leave it you have to help out the seeds a lot too.

  2. I think that this means that you need to have good intentions about everything and just because something seems hard don't have a negative attitude about it right off the bat.

  3. This is interesting. I always feel bad for the people who mean to do good but it accidentally went wrong.

  4. I think this is saying if you have a good idea and it goes wrong don't just leave you need to be a problem solver.

  5. Don't be someone that helps people up and stays positive. If you stay positive you with influence the people around to be a positive person.

  6. If you come up with something interesting to you and it doesn't work don't just quit make it better.

  7. Just because you have a good idea or intentions really doesn't mean anything. Good actions are what really means the most. That's what everyone will remember, not your beliefs.

  8. I think this means that even though you have good ideas or good intentions, you're not always going to be recognized for every good thing that you do. People are going to come along and steal your ideas, but don't let that get you down. Keep up the good ideas and intentions and eventually somebody is going to recognize you for your good ideas.

  9. I think this means that good intentions are just a small part of it all. Just like the seed, you need water, soil, and sun. Theres alot more then jsut a good intention.
